PMHA Survey

Please take a minute to fill out our survey....Thanks to those who have taken the time to fill out the survey. Deadline is approaching!

The board of Portage Minor Hockey would like you to participate in a brief survey so the board can strategically plan for the future with input from the membership.  It is important to receive your input and our promise to you is to take all survey information as crucial to making our association better.  We understand the time it takes to do surveys but our hope is that you have some time to share your thoughts about the board, hockey and our association. 
We have tried to make this easy.  Please click on the link, which will link you to our survey.  Once you complete the survey, hit done at the end and the survey comes directly to us.  To help entice you a bit, if you choose to submit your name and phone number or email you will be entered to win one of 5 Keystone Gift Card valued at $25.00.  Our draw will be held Monday February 2, 2015 at 9:00am.  Winners will be contacted immediately after the draw.  Adding your name and contact information is optional and only needed if you want to put your name in the draw, the survey can still be completed anonymously. 
To continue with providing the best service that we can to all members, I have included my email and my cell 204-871-5623 for your information.  As part of the board that serves you the members, I feel that it is important that members have full access to myself and I ask you to please contact me if there is anything you would like to discuss.
Thank you for participating in our survey. 

On behalf of the Board of PMHA,

Rod Sveistrup
PMHA President